Noora Hospital has a licensed blood bank, where blood is stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The blood bank is operated and run by well experienced team of professionals. The blood bank is committed to protecting the safety of both donors and potential recipients by providing quality blood and blood products from non-remunerated, healthy donors following a stringent screening process. Voluntary blood donation being the safest form of blood donation is encouraged. The blood bank provides for the blood requirements of patients within the hospital as well as various other hospitals and nursing homes in the city.
The blood bank is equipped with state of the art equipments that enable use of advanced techniques for processing, screening and storage of blood. The blood bank performs all the prescribed tests for testing each unit before issuing to the patients.
As part of social campaign, there is a constant effort to encourage and motivate patients attendants and relatives to donate blood. We conduct blood donation camps from time to time to collect blood from voluntary donors. In times of natural disaster or any other crisis in the city, we strive to reach out and help any citizen who maybe in urgent need of blood.